High Humidity in India and Its Negative Effects

The common and abrupt effect of high humidity is personal discomfort. When it is too hot and humid, our bodies are less efficient at releasing heat which means we sweat. However, this may not deem too dangerous some people might say. But going to work wearing a suit and tie while one’s shirt sticks to your body, and constantly wiping drips of sweat off the forehead!


Dust mites also love humidity, and they’re one of the main nemeses for people who suffer from asthma and allergies. Needless to say, all sorts of bacteria can originate in spaces with comparatively high humidity. People who stay in households or offices that are hit by mold growth and mildew get more often get sick, and their overall health is a lot poorer.


How To Combat High Humidity in India and Its Negative Effects with Dehumidifiers:

Humidity levels in the city of Mumbai peaked, hitting 98% in the of south Mumbai and 80% in the suburbs. Experts says, peaked moisture levels have great potential to hold pollutants. Changes in temperature, precipitation, drought, storms and floods can have negative and positive effects. In Chandigarh, a doctor from PGI infers, made a recent analysis. According to him, the old age prescription of covering oneself with a towel and inhaling steam to fight common cold may no longer be valid.  Doctor Meenu Singh analysed and reviewed all worldwide trials conducted on steam inhalation. She concluded in her published work that the process has no effect and only works as a feel good factor!
With ‘global warming’ distressing the world India included, the necessity for office and factory dehumidifier is ever increasing in all areas affected by high humidity. The awareness has been a great challenge. A muggy environment is a breeding ground for all types of microscopic organisms that can be detrimental to your health. Mildew and mold spores flourish in it, and they can be highly toxic once they get into your body. If mold is evidently noticeable inside your home, you have a problem that requires instant attention.


Companies can decrease waste, increase productivity and enhance manufacturing yields by ensuring the correct humidity level with a dehumidifier. It is very important to invest in a high quality dehumidification device because standard systems for heating, air-conditioning or ventilation cannot deliver the desired conditions. By getting a dehumidifier, it is likely to solve these problems if not the very least alleviate them.